10X FAQs

Taking part in the 10X Challenge

Who can take part in the 10X Challenge?
Any young person aged 11 - 19 can take part and all participants will need an organisation/adult to register on their behalf for the Challenge. Students in Higher Education aged 18+ can also take part.

When does the Challenge run in 2025?
The challenge will take place from the 3rd to 28th March 2025. Although the platform is open all year round to access the resources flexibly across the curriculum and to give you enough time to prepare for the challenge.

Can participants work on their own as well as in a team?
Yes, absolutely! You are welcome to take part in the 10X Challenge as an individual or as part of a group.

We suggest teams of between two and eight participants - more than eight participants can sometimes leave students feeling disengaged within the group.

Funding options for the 10X Challenge

What is the difference between self-funding and requesting funding?
During the registration process you will be asked if you wish to self-fund or submit a request for 10X funds:
- Self-funding means that your organisation will provide the £10 for your students to use at the start of the Challenge.
- Requesting funds means that you will complete an easy online form specifying how much you are requesting to borrow from the 10X Challenge Bank.
- You'll be notified by our finance team if your request has been successful, funding is limited so apply early!

How much funding can be applied for?
A minimum of £50 and a maximum of £500 of 10X funding is available to borrow per registration.
You can decide how these funds are shared amongst participants; you could choose to offer £10 per student or £10 per student company.

How are requests for funding assessed?
10X Challenge funds are limited and requests are assessed on a first-come, first-served basis.

How are funds from Young Enterprise received?
If you are successful with your application for funds, they will be transferred across to you just before the Challenge begins. We will send you a confirmation when the electronic transfer will be sent, this will be received via your nominated bank account. This money will need to be given to your participants.

How do I apply for funding?

The funding application form will open on the 4th October 2024, on the teacher portal once you log in, and will close on the 19th February 2025 to ensure we have enough time to transfer the funds to schools in time for the challenge.

Student pledges, profits and repaying

How long will students have to make a profit with the money they are pledged?
Participants are challenged to make as much profit as possible during the four weeks of the Challenge.

How do students receive their £10?
You will be responsible for the distribution of the £10 to the participants and all supervision of the activities in relation to the Challenge. You must not distribute any funds prior to the 10X Challenge starting.

Will students have to repay the £10?
Yes, and if the participants make a profit they are asked to donate a further £1 per £10 pledged (legacy donation) to help us to sustain the 10X Challenge Bank. Your organisation will be responsible for collecting the pledge and the legacy donation from the participants upon completion of the Challenge. For further information please view the full 10X Challenge Terms and Conditions.

What if students cannot repay the £10?
If participants are unable to repay the full £10, then they should at least return £8.  For further information please view the full 10X Challenge Terms and Conditions.

What happens with the profits made from the £10?
It is up to your students to decide how they would like to donate or spend their profits.

Many teams will choose to donate all or part of their profits to local and national charities, or to a local cause within their community or school.

10X Challenge support

What support is available during the Challenge?
The 10X Team are dedicated to supporting you throughout the Challenge. If you need any help at any stage you can contact the team directly by emailing info@10xchallenge.org.uk

Are there resources available to help prepare for the Challenge?
There many resources available online to help you to plan and run 10X as soon as you have confirmed your participation in the Challenge. In preparation of the challenge you can deliver the 10X DIY project and lesson plans. These resources are available within a 10X schools online platform - you will receive a login once you have signed up.

10X National Competition

Please note that details of the weekly competitions and the national competition can be found on The Challenge webpage.

How are the entries shortlisted?
Entries will be shortlisted by an internal Young Enterprise panel, and an external panel of judges decide on the winners for each category from the shortlist.

How many competition entries can be submitted per organisation?
Each organisation can submit a maximum of five entries.

How are competition entries submitted?
All competition entries will need to be uploaded via the online platform. Full details and instructions will be available online in the 10X schools platform.

10X online

What is available on 10X online?
This platform will guide you through the four weeks of the Challenge; providing unique access to resources that will support you with your preparation in advance and during the 10X Challenge.

How can I access this platform?
Once you register and set up your password you will have full access to the teacher platform.

To give your young people access to the student platform please send them the unique URL that you receive via email when you register (if you cannot find it please check your junk mail folder). You can also manually add a team and set up their account via the 'Manage Teams' section of the teacher platform.

Once they've set up their account they will be able to log in and access all the 10X resources. We do ask them to complete a short post-challenge questionnaire, allowing them to reflect on the progress they have made during the challenge.

How do students access the platform?
Teachers will receive a URL that needs to be shared with all students who wish to participate in the Challenge. When students use this unique URL they will be asked to set up an account and set up their student 10X team or as an individual.

Once they've set up their account they will be able to log in and access all the 10X resources. We do ask them to complete a short post-challenge questionnaire, allowing them to reflect on the progress they have made during the challenge.

How much time does the Challenge take?

How much time each week do we need to set aside for the 10X Challenge?
If you can run the Challenge within your school curriculum timetable that is great however we know this is not always possible! We'd recommend you set aside at least one hour a week - this can take place at lunchtimes or after school. Some students may even decide to continue developing their ideas and getting their products ready in their own time too.

I want my students to get involved in running the Challenge?
Where possible do encourage your students to make all the decisions about their ideas. We provide a student area on the website where your students can access all the resources and information they will need. It's an excellent way for them to gain first-hand experience of what it’s like to be an entrepreneur and will help them develop the skills they need in life and work to prepare for their future.

Can students work on their own as well as in a team?
Yes, absolutely! Students are welcome to take part in the 10X Challenge as an individual or as part of a 10X team.

If you think that the timings or dates of the 10x Challenge may be difficult for you this year please do check out 10X DIY as this offers a much more flexible approach to developing entreprenurial skills

What is 10X DIY?

10X DIY is a hypothetical exercise whereby young people complete the first two weeks of the 10X Challenge without the practical aspect of producing or selling their goods/service. It can be used as a stand-alone project or as a way for students to kick start their 10X ideas so they are ready to start in the spring term. Using the 10X DIY Guide and the documents below students can imagine, remotely research and plan a business that starts with a hypothetical £10, creating the logo and a sales pitch along the way! 10X DIY offers flexibility for delivery whether your students are in school or learning remotely, led by a teacher or doing it without supervision.

Sign up for instant access to the materials here.

Find out more details about the 10X Challenge in 'Terms and Conditions'

10X Challenge Terms and Conditions